
The team from Charity Navigator, the nation's largest independent charity evaluator and leading donor advocate, shares their thoughts on emerging nonprofit-sector issues and offers tips to better inform your intelligent giving decisions.

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With COVID-19 in full force, nonprofits have gotten creative with fundraising techniques to adhere to social distancing guidelines. With their work as important as ever, organizations don’t have the option to pause their efforts. Luckily, today’s technology simplifies the shift to online fundraising, even charity auctions!



Written by Stephen Rockwell, Chief Ratings Technology Officer at Charity Navigator. Stephen is leading the team of charity analysts, program specialists, and development engineers that will launch the new rating methodology and criteria. 聚美优品 - 【极速免税店 品牌防伪码】正品化妆品团购网站BJ ...:聚美优品是国内知名正品女性团购网站,也是领先的品牌化妆品团购和护肤品团购网,聚美优品团购化妆品每天有超值的化妆品和护肤品团购信息,详情登陆聚美优品官网。 

Less than a week away from launching our new rating system, our team was as busy as you might think, making a number of last-minute decisions about the score visuals, naming the overall rating system and the underlying indicators, and a myriad of adjustments to the nonprofit profile pages.  Well, today is launch day, and we are immensely proud of our entire team’s achievement.  Welcome to the Encompass Rating System!


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This Thursday, July 30th is National Intern Day. It’s a day to celebrate and recognize our future leaders. This year’s intern class has arguably faced obstacles and challenges no other cohort has endured. 

While internships this year are virtual, the virtual work experience truly mirrors real-life scenarios that no one could have predicted. And just because this year is a virtual experience, that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate our Charity Navigator interns. Our team has worked hard to give our interns projects that help make a difference, while also giving them a taste of the real world. Continue reading to learn more about each intern and how they’re making a difference at Charity Navigator!



As the charitable sector grows and evolves, we here at Charity Navigator pride ourselves on our ability to make impactful philanthropy easier for all. We accomplish this by providing a variety of tools on our website to empower donors and to help them make informed decisions in their charitable giving. These tools span from our Ratings Profiles, Advisory System, Hot Topic lists, Giving Basket, and so much more. 




Like everything in the world, nothing is certain. Weather patterns shift, the stock market fluctuates, new technology trends emerge, and consumer behaviors evolve. No industry is exempt from the precarity of change, not even philanthropy. Historically, philanthropy was an exclusive activity of the wealthy, where guests would attend high profile events to write large checks or bid on coveted items. With the introduction of the web and social media, philanthropy is now more accessible and transparent to the everyday person. While microphilanthropy used to be seen as the underdog of philanthropy, it is beginning to punch well above its weight.


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COVID-19 has brought unprecedented challenges, especially for organizations relying on volunteers.

If you are one of those organizations, in a normal July, you might be planning (or planning to be a part of) an annual “Day of Service” and connecting with corporate volunteers. But this year, you might be considering canceling (or vastly rethinking) these critical events.

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